My blog has become boring… so something a bit different today. Some new card graphics as well thanks to Tillerman.
PL Omaha hands. What you have to do is guess my hand.. or what is the minimum hand I should have given how I play in the pots. These all come from a 6 hour session yesterday.
Hand 1
$10/$20 – 6 handed. I am sitting with $5800. My opponent in the pot had $6000. Opponent in this hand is a tight/aggressive decent ish player.
My opponent makes it $70 to play. One caller. I make it $240 to play. Original raiser calls, other guy passes.
Flop J

He checks and I bet the pot which is $570. He check raised me and made it another $1710 to play. I called.
Turn 6

He bet another $3280 which put me all in. I called.
River 7

What hand am I calling with? What hands should I reraise the flop with?
The reason I am calling is that I have a massive draw. My hand was the best draw possible A

Hand 2
$10/$20 – 6 handed. I am sitting with $7312. My opponent has $5200. Not much information on my opponent. Pretty aggressive from the limited amount I have played with him. He is to my immediate right.
A few limpers to me on the button and I just call the $20 to play. SB calls and BB checks.
Flop 8

Everyone checks to my opponent who makes it $100 to play. I minimum raise it to $200. He reraises me to make it $700 to play. I call the extra $500
Turn 6

He now bets $1500 which I call. (its beginning to look like I am a calling station)
River A

He checks and I bet $4500. He called his last $2980.
What do I have here? What is the minimum he should be calling my river bet with?
I guess I could have a huge number of holdings here. I could have the nuts with improvements. I could have a set and the straight draw improvements, I could have the higher straight draw and flush draw. Given that I just called the turn bet its unlikely that I feel that I have a good freeroll situation, as I would normally push. So I am on a big draw. In fact my holding was Q

In my opinion its tough for him to call the river bet without some sort of flush. In fact he called and showed 9d

Hand 3
$10/$20 – 6 handed. I have $4100. My opponent in this hand is a big loser in the game. Can’t let go of Aces and bluffs alot.
I am really going to look like a calling station after this one. I do raise sometimes.
He makes it $80 to play from the BB. Limper calls as do I.
Flop 6

He bets out $240. Other player passes. I call.
Turn 4

He bets $720. I call.

He bets $1940. I call.
What have I got here? What is the minimum I need to call him on the end?
Firstly, I don’t need that much to call this player down but this is probably one of the most marginal calls I have made. I just went with my read of the situation. The actualy hand that i held was 5

Hand 4
$10/$20 – 5 handed. I have $11100. Early position opponent makes it $70 to play. One caller. I raise in the cut off to $280 to play. My main opponent in this pot is the same as the last hand. He has $5100. Three of us see the flop
Flop 4

They both check to me and I check behind them.
Turn 2

Again the both check to me and I bet the pot of $870. My opponent minimum reraises me to $1740 to play. I call.
River Q

He bets $3080 all in and I call.
What hand do I have? What do I need to call the river bet?
Only Dubai got this one right. I actually had the nuts all along. My holding was 5